As a Scorpio man I can totally agree with this. (Though through the years we would get together for a lunch every once and awhile. A Virgo woman should know these are the kinds of experiences that can flow, one way or another, from a Scorpio man she loves. Who is to know what really happened, but I can tell you this, if a scorpio male gets it into his head that he isnt getting what he wants or cant have what he needs. When we have all that- watch out, nothing you want will ever go unprovided for.. and we give 10x more in all situations than we get! He is an extremist with calm and steady surface and smoldering passion within him. the story becomes interesting because he is my one of my big brothers childhood friends. Shes sweet, unpredictable, hot-tempered, intellectual,gorgeous organized, talkative, shy, etc. Hes a family man and a hardworking man which I love; he really does complete me because I can be mean and critical at times (Im a perfectionist and I drive myself crazy at times lol). Just to get ignored or treated like a monkey who flew pooh across the dining room and the pooh landed on the generations of passed down luxious china set of dishes. maybe for revenge hahaha funny scorp u got to love them once u understand their full of ego and emotions!> not a very smart combination but one a VIRGO WOMAN can handle!. Im so bored i could scream, the constant need to correct or control, the smart ass mouth and comments only to read me the riot act when I get smart or disagree w/him! The Scorpio in me was seeing the truth about the virgo female but the truth scares virgos. Now Im in the Australian army, after my assesment next week its off to trainin for about 5 months or so. Scorpio guysyou want a Virgo girl? three and a half years ago (wow has it really been that long?). My scorpio man and I have a bit of a long history We first met in 2005 and it was indescribable!! Its a constant battle between wits, facts, and emotions. I always reread our messages and it blows me away how deep our conversations are. Looking for singles online date, plus an almost masculine energy field. except for the one who said he showered her with gifts!!! When these two work together, they can be a powerful team. I hope this helped someone out there. Henry, I just got out of a relationship with a Virgo women who is supposed to be a lesbian. I even notice that now he is finally listening and realizing when hes not being attentive. I am not worried about myself but for her what shell do, She seems like a confused girl about her feelings, I am staying here just to make sure that she goes fine as once gone I dont know whether I will ever be back again as I dont want to bring any misunderstanding between her and her boy friend. This is one of the WORST traits that exists about us. As I read this post, the thought that I have, is that for me, with this man, there is a sense of home. Scorpio Woman In Love. Instroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). . Not because either of us were dating someone at the time, but because I was, and still am, going through a tough personal time. All she virgo ever did was critique critized and ran from me scorpio. We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. I always give him a run for his money because as a Virgo, I am going to let you suffer till I see fit that you will never ever ever cheat on me againand the funny thing is that he endured it. Ive been with a Virgo for a short while now but it feels almost unreal. Being methodical in nature, a Virgo zodiac male and an untamed Scorpio female seem to a non-compatible pair. We met my 8th grade year, but little did we know we knew each other way before. Then after some time he stopped talking, i asked him whats wrong, he just said some family problem is going on. Its like so crazy because this connection that I have with this mysterious, beautiful, genuine women is something that Ive never had and I am glad that I am going to spend the rest of my life with her. Then almost 2 months is coming he told me we should not make love that often so he would miss me. Been hurt too many times now and Scorpio put the icing on the cake! Scorpio dating cancer man Is the scorpio mancancer man and scorpio is quite intoxicating. Ive been dating my Scorpio man for a little over 2 years (weve been knowing each other over 15) and hes the best thing that has happened to me in about 5 years! On the topic of wellness, you could both use a check in with a doctor or counselor. Virgo or Scorpio? ZODIAC SIGN. I shall never trust another crazy intense cry baby and aggressive Scorpio again! Virgo man, Scorpio woman: Marriage and family life. i have a scorp asc I read them easily too easy to read for me this scorp!> very emotional, great in bed, extremely jealous, and i have to agree one of my experience with one was phisical the guy wanted to choked me, he even showed me his fist once!. I also told him that i dont feel he will ever be ready for a committed relationship with a quality female. Earth signs are stable emotionally. I got mad that I hung up and would never call me back.. Its been 3 days now I o ly see him at work but I just ignore him. Scorpio is a water sign and Virgo is an earth sign. Ive got one word for him honey: NEEEEEEEXT!!!! lets go straight to the bedroom But hanging out a handfull of times wont make me want to go steady with someone. I gave him all the loyalty, love and attention, in the world,(thats true virgo nature) and got nothing but lies, mind games, punishment and empty promises in return. Im Scorpio woman but I like a Virgo man but he has his girlfriend. Ive protected this moment for so long it felt as if she was working hard to enjoy it with me for just as long. We have been casusl friends for about nine years, and I have never looked at him in any other way. The passion for knowledge that Virgos and . One of them asked about the possibility of a relationship after I denied his kiss (wed hung out only three or four times prior to this). We still have our one on one hang outs that make me feel like if the world were to end while we were together I wouldnt care; we have our fun banter back and forth that make me love her more and more, and I have admitted to her that I had a crush on her. My best friend is a Virgo. Speaking from personal experience it would either take some Jedi mind trick, hypnosis or a government mind control program to get me to waste my time on a woman until she has confirmed through her word and actions that she is worth it. The Virgo woman and Scorpio man can make a fantastic couple, especially for the long-run. I just really hate when we argue. Our first date was good, in his defense, and scorpios are just easy to open up to. Im a Virgo woman and got cheated on by a Scorpio male. what if i want to be like you & smile in your face, but silently plot to underhand, undercut or leave you? Go back and read my and scorpio2k14 posts- youll find some answers there. These signs exert a beneficial influence on each other . One side of him believes wholeheartedly that sex is a sacred spiritual union between two people becoming one. RUN! Scorpio men can be cocky, annoying and overbearing at times, but they have a big heart, they dont give up on you, they are loyal and they are great lovers. She claims that when we argue.. it seems as if we just dnt understand eachother. I said dont blame it on me. I find this article to be very accurate. they are also loyal to friends and very protective of the people they love!. the Virgo woman is the perfect jungian archetype for a scorpio man. In the end, it is pretty easy, even if we have our moods and our moments. Both Virgo and Scorpio are very loyal and love hard! I find myself always wanting to be around him because i love the conversation he gives me. Now i am feeling lost and hurt. its unreal. Im a virgo girl and Ive been with my scorpio guy for about 4 months. he ended up making a fool of himself and trying all ridiculous things to get my attention. For a Scorpio man they are also among the best matches for them. I am Scorpio man that is truly in love with a Virgo women. I too lost my Mother and feel an eternal pain. it saddens me, b/c i have given my all & i feel persecuted & i have lost a great deal of respect for you. ive been punished for days, but w/the expectation that i should be perfect or always on point. Both Virgo woman and Scorpio man are more or less introverts. There was just something about him. Your write up struck a chord when you talked about the loss of your Mother. why did I have to wait so long!!! If Virgo thinks well Im perfect so its got to be him hes just a lying and cheating scorpio whos trying to control me, Then know this. Im only grateful he was still there for me when I came back. Ooh yea i forgot. If a virgo woman thinks she is perfect and doesnt listen to scorpio man he will stop attempting to communicate This makes virgo woman suspicious and virgo and scorpio paranoia kick in scorpio / virgo together may have trust issues in turn the male scorpio will question virgos loyalties . every word defines my relationship. Im learning the importance of communicating how I feel instead of shutting down and putting up a wall like I use to. While now. I cant imagine life without him! We keep a very open and honest relationship. You literally just said everything I was thinking trying to put it into words I am also with a Scorpio. I am with a scorpio guy and it already looks like we are fated. & he distanced himself, it is not our nature to CHASE or beg to be treated as we should be or as you have been! Then one day he propsed me and i accepted. wishing you the absolute best in love and relationships with good Scorps out there .. we are VERY intense and our depth is uncontrollably powerful when a woman is both in front of us and behind us (metaphorically), that means she leads at times with love and respect and follows at times with love and respect. The grass always look greener. I would recommend dating an earth sign. These failed relationships on here have been the Scorpios fault only. You can be sure that Ill be back for more, im inlove right now to a scorpio man.. We get along very much.. we talked alot of things, love and life.. i loved the characteristic of a scorpio. I said, why dont you just take a break if you want one, or why dont you just break up with me if youre no longer interested. The horoscope gives the Virgo-Scorpio bond a bad love compatibility in principle, but all is not lost. Im a realist, I Hope my candor doesnt hurt you but it is what it is. how was she to know if you did not tell her? As a Virgo I thrive in chaos. Scorpio Woman and Scorpio Man Zodiac Compatibility, Obsession, Love Compatibility, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. we are 100% compatible. I met a scorpio guy few months back.we hit it off amazingly. Just a day ago her exs mother passed away in a car accident at 48. They never communicate and they never break up with you, they just turn their back and avoid you! Virgo and Taurus are both earth signs which makes them compatible with each other. Yea the new partner may not be perfect . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. We get each other, and we laugh, and we are not afraid with one another and honestly, this is magical. I find it highly peculiar that any Scorpio make worth his salt would degrade himself so much to shower any woman with gifts and affections of love when he has only just started to get to know her. For three months it kept going on like this, i was losing my mind,i told him that i m hurt, if he doesnt love me then we should end this,but he said he did love me but he didnt liked my behavior, which i dont understand at all. They NEVER say goodby because, they always want to come back. lately I FEEL i can handle and manuver them easily!. Blackenedbones 7 mo. Men Operate and focus on things very differently. Virgos have a way of pushing people away because we want to see who really cares about us. I see that there is a lot of talk about unevolved and evolved Scorpios but barely any talk of the other Zodiacs having that distinction. I am slowly getting there and finding peace with the loss, I hope you have also. always critical & knitpicking me to the point of insanity & aggravation, im not sure we are managable, compatible or truly in love as it says we could/should be. Scorpio man is a protector by nature and never allows his Virgo woman to face the world alone. And when I get angry, I tend to shut down too, so its hard for both of us to communicate. However, even then, sex is the ultimate forte of these two signs when they are together, and they always do manage to perfect the art of . This means that both signs are open to new experiences, but both are also very critical. Sorry to all you good scorps out there! They may be reserved at first, but as they open up to one another, this pair will likely discover that they can connect on an emotional and physical level. (I walked in on an old g/f in bed with another man- lets not discuss what happened but there wasnt a single gift I gave her left in the country. Image: Shutterstock. What a dirtbag.. What a dilemma you have there. After leaving him, my scorpio man and I started hanging out more and Id think back and wonder why I ever left thins man in the first place. Likewise, Scorpio would prefer to slowly get to know someone. I may not be the smartest person in the world and yes i know that i am young and that i still have a long life ahead of me but it just got to me that all you guys and judge someone so cruelly on the day that they were born or just because you got a bad one .. No one said that you had to put yourself through those things with the scorpio male.. that was your own fault for sticking around, but you dont half to sit there and assume that all scorpio males are bad people NOT ALL OF THEM ARE.. My man is the best man in the entire world to me and i refuse to let anyone get in our way and try and make me feel different. Its not something malicious, its as natural as breathing to us, and the only logical way to make sure were getting a fair shake. We are passionate men, very much extreme, always wanting to be more than what is expected or needed by the woman who we are clear loves us. I was raised by a single mom and was taught to love and respect women from an early age. Virgos are inherently loyal, pragmatic, and detail-oriented. [emailprotected] Zombie, I am a virgo women who have been with a scorpio man for 17 years. I knew I was drawn to her personality the second I heard her friendly/confident voice conversing with someone outside my my office door. BUT SO CAN ANYONE .. so stop all the judgement.. just dont judge another scorpio just because you had a bad one.. you probably did not know how to deal with them at the time and were just very angry and frusterated anyways im done with this for now and i am sticking to everything i said i love everyone so im not pin pointing out anything so say comment or do what ever you want. The amount of passion we both had!! ago. I guess its all a part of learning as a couple. A strong emotional bond, intense and passionate love, mutual respect and understanding, deep connection, and mutual support characterise the compatibility of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman. Also that I dont have time for men that dont know what they want. Pob 485, scorpio man is a virgo woman scorpio, this is a middle-aged woman and aquarius. It's getting hot in here. ; As a mutable sign, a Virgo can tailor themselves to different situations in life as long as they can analyze the situation . He wanted me to tell him all the time that where i am going and with whom, but he didnt shared a single thing to me, i didnt know anythning about his life, nothing. In the bedroom She comes first, we will go to the inner depths of the world to understand how we can do more.. for that smile, that amazing session for hours of lovemaking, that day together just relaxing, holding hands, picking out furniture, discussing our dreams and a family/life together cooking together.. you get the point right? A Scorpio male is deeply emotional and has a sun sign noted for its extremes and intensity, as well as the need for privacy, power, control, passion, jealousy, and possession. My Scorpio man and I have been together for 6 yrs. Through all her Virgo adventures or trips I scorpio have been loyal honest and did nothing but try to comfort her Virgo. now i am angry & i dont have a clue what i really want anymore. Very impressed! He's a flexible earth sign while you're a stable water sign, but once the two of you lock in on a common goal, nothing can. Thank you so much for sharing these insights about the beautiful Scorpio man, Having been with a Virgo woman 10yrs i can say i know why a virgo would think we are manipulative dark deceitful etc . My Scorpio is my everything. I know that this sounds strange in some ways, reading some of the posts above, but for me it is true. My scorp would constantly punish me, whenever i upset him or we had a fight, he would abandon me and our relationship for days and disappear without a word! The Virgo woman im with already had a man when i started talking to her and was still with him after we had sex. He is one person who loves luxury and comforts immensely. Amara: this is a song that you should listen to. In my lifetime, Ive loved a number of signs (or thought I did) this one is different. @ Mary-Anne: I agree with Virgette NEEEXT is the right word form him. Neither of them is frivolous about being committed, and if once they commit to each other, this pairing is hard to break. We met two years before, but circumstances prevented us from moving forward. The other part is sensuous, erotic, seeking every level of passion for absolute . But it needs to be brought up, because I have been trying to deal with that while also confronting my feelings for this Virgo woman. This meant that when I fell in love, I fell in love with my entire being; because I believe she (the love interest) deserved that respect. It's a capricorn woman relationship. We are extremely passionat and loving and most of us are not always scheming. As for I gave it all to our Almighty God, that we will continue love each other:). She belongs to the unfortunate sign of dismissed emotions that people judge and run away from, way too often. Ive been involved with a Scorpio man for now about 11 years.on and off. he came back after 3 days, we are happily married now.. Virgo woman here, falling quickly for a Scorpio man. They bring out the liveliest stellar and most flamboyant rainbow out of their romance, walking side by side, and remaining close forever. Were far from perfect, we both have a lot to learn, and we both have a lot of growing to do. Although, i feel like virgos can be mentally abusive when they dont tell you whats exactly on their mind unless its critical. I tried to hide how much I liked him only to get a pleasant surprise- he likes me too. She wanted to have my babies and leave her lesbian girlfriend for me. He fixes my car too he is a mechanic. We truly are utterly in love. and hate hurting someone. I was very taken aback by this revelation, and to some extent it left me feeling very uncomfortable with the friendship, to the point where I decided early this year that I must tell him I have no intimate feelings for him. WE ARE like a superior species always in control of others, and the current situation. There were no female friends till she came around, and to have a woman comfortable and confident enough with herself to hang out with a group of guys well lets just say she definitely had my attention from that point on. @jackieoFucking true. Whereas the way of communicating seems to be all important to the virgo. He is secretive, loving, caring, mysterious, egotistical, mean and i can go on and on.with all that said I am confused sometimes as to his intentions. I dont profess to be the perfect Scorpio. Most Scorpios are very pure at heart. When in a relationship you should accept those faults and if need be help that person change them not force them to do it alone. I dont know whether I should call up and just admit everything I feel, or hope that she is single at the end of the year which she has been this far but how would you guys feel if you hook up and then the guy goes off for so long. Because I am so transparent and verbal, I find myself challenged by his relative silence. Ok, reading through this i have seen some relationships fail and some flourish. AI mean I understood his situation with his uncle L. L. But he got a car to use to visit me instead. 2. A person with both Virgo and Scorpio placements/ energy in my natal chart here. Virgo woman and prefers to be a gemini man, sex on the gemini woman love. They move too fast for my tastethinking that its love or whatever when I show the slightest bit of interest. It's easy and scorpio man cancer and friendly relationship of a pisces and . In sexual nature the Scorpio man is like two sides of coin. The new feelings we were both throwing back at each other had us bother floating with excitement there was no denying it was something different for both of us. I didnt intend for that to happen, in fact that was the last thing I wanted, but it happened. This goes MILES with us. It has been 4 months now and he hasnt replyed to my letter asking him is it over? Wow.Scorpios are not as bad as most of you Virgos are claiming us to be. I let her know upfront that it was I who used to give her blank calls occasionally. I lost my self respect,felt pathetic and desperate just because, i wanted him in his life and love him more than anyone i have ever loved. She has much respect for him. We often seem to clash when it comes to communicating with each other. I am a Virgos Virgo, with a Sun and Moon in the sign. And have you and another girlfiend or a wife! So should I pretend I am romantically interested in him, or shold I just disappear, or should I simply tell him the truth. They cant just get the hint when Im not interested, even when I say so or make it very obvious through my actions. Dont worry this last girl ran me absolutely crazy. (So, I totally know how you feel Andrea! Spread love and youll receive love. They give an exciting glimpse to all the possibilities they share in their life and also have the power to realize a satisfying approach for their once seen dream. The only positive thing I have to say about him is that he saved my ass with quick talking but thats it. I personally was an unevolved Scorpio through most of my life until i did some self dicovery and i guess evolved. I have learned to control my worse attributes like being possessive and jealous. If you're a Virgo woman in a relationship with a Scorpio man, make sure to utilize your strengths to the best of your ability. Yes they are hot headed and get way over the top when they are mad but if you love them anough the fights and arguments will just brush off, We get into fights but its nothing bad we usually fight and then just brush it off after, But any sign can be like that any sign can be hot headed and anything els you can describe.. I can be a bit jealous at times but my virgo tries to reassure me. I also notice he seems to do things to get me pissed off, rude or distant things that he knows will bug me, like walking waaaayyyy ahead of me when we go on a hike together. Then there is the erotic side of the Scorpio man who needs to release his lust and passion in the bedroom. he is all of what has been said above, the good & the bad. I scorpio male say the past is the past leave it there leave it alone and just grow from it move on. Even an unlikely outing or setting could spark a romantic mood. Would like to know more about virgo woman-scorpion man affair. We may be the text book example of taming of the shrew. He is really matured guy.. This is a woman whose intentions and inner states are often misunderstood. & no flaws to ponder on Virgo and Scorpio are very deep, pensive, introverted, and spiritual beings. The Virgo Zodiac. They deeply respect, love and cherish one another. I told her not to worry on my end everything will be fine and shell know where to find me. Virgo is the most healthy woman for a Scorpio to be with because she mitigates the worst traits he has naturally, without scheming to change him ( rest assured, his worst fear is being controlled, which is why unevolved scorpios try to beat people to the punch and control them first) . That killed my trust, it is one of the few people on this earth to this day that I still dont have any issue with her passing life on and never talking to her again. For those Virgos with negative Scorpio experiences, I am sorry. Both have to make some changes in order for the love to flow freely in the bedroom and feel the ultimate satisfaction of physical intimacy. The rift will start which makes scorpio appear dark and distant all he wants is his virgo woman to show warmth intimacy passion and to listen But to do this. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. Virgo should also be open to trying some of the exciting ideas that Scorpio has for this relationship between Scorpio and Virgo if she doesn't want him to get bored easily. There was instant chemistry between us when we first bumped into each other at a bus stop, I noticed him right away! ( money, title on your job, or degree ) A scorpio is a actor they will only show their representative to you, you will never know who you are dealing with I know dated a male scorpio for four years. Scorpio man and Virgo woman can make a great match because there are many hidden similarities in how these two signs approach to love and romance. Astrology. Looking forward to a promising future!!! It makes me believe he is that in love that it made me worried that it might not work out well. Ill eventually admit to her that Im head over heels in love with her.) Virgo and Taurus. But if she keeps talking to him he cant rebuild. Their intuitive understanding of one another and loyal support is their strongest link. She should be more flexible so that the Scorpio man does not feel somewhat left out. Now this feeling/perception on which they act can be real or imaginary. I'm a Scorpio and I've dealt with 2 Virgo's. They lie a lot and cheat like it's a full time job. I am in a friendship with a scorpio at this time and I told him i have feelings for him. @ IntenseScorpio ~ Wow, thank you so much for telling the beauty of a Virgo ~ Scorpio relationship! Save. Nas If you are reading this post then listen to me For me you need not to prove anything just be the way you are, good or bad, best or worst whichever way you are just be like that, You already know but once again I wanna say that even if you dont utter a word I will understand, I will be fine girl have some attitude, and stop worrying about me. You never find a Scorpio in a grey zone, he is good, or evil, and nothing in between. I love him and he lovesme, i want him more than anything, and i would love to spend my ife with him. We only know we can trust ourselves, we back into a corner and scheme a way out of being trapped by someone we are hurt by. I think it is very possible. ETA: Both were amazing people. Your email address will not be published. I had a fight with my scorp and of course he punished me by silent treatment for 5 days, this was typical of him. he he . 2 text messages is enough. This is just based on my own experience of 44 years and 7 of which have been with a counselor and therapist. but theres only one thing that bothers me, please hope u can tell me or advise me or something. Though it hurts more to see your loved one going away slowly-slowly but if its good for her than I dont care I am ready to bear thousand times more pain than I am in right now. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman combination is an excellent zodiac match. Man, that was long! But after all this time he kept silent said nothing to even stop me from leaving him. I clicked on the first article I found. My Scorpio is very loving, caring, smart, strong, loyal, dependable and a true leader! Here are some things I believe could help you have a great relationship with us and to keep us honest, loving, loyal, devoted, purchasing you gifts and doting on you. . Virgo is cautious and reserved, while Scorpio is more outgoing and confident. It is an integral part of his life. But she's no pushover. Virgo. One step at a time. The more alone time I got with her the more I felt I got to really know her, and the more she got to really know me. Im sorry thats happened Jonas. They will move on because they found someone to take your place thats WHY they pick fights. he can be so sensitive and yet such an insensitive brute at the same time. Dont ignore red flags and call them yellow. Virgos..STOP Expecting overnight progress, it will happen in due time& if you see your Scorpio trying..acknowledge him.