a. the conclusion must be tru if the premises are true A different term that is a synonyms for both terms PREMISE: All men are mortals. (One sentence contains two verbs in the perfect tense.) 2.The premises of a deductive argument are always true. 3.It can be used to make predictions. Which of the following best describes an argument made by de Gante in In the Food Industry Case, the executives fell for a | Chegg.com A claim that has logic and facts. Which of the following describes an inference? Inductive Arguments- Ch. 7 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet a. Modus ponens Its not okay!!! 3. 1 of 41 of 4 Items Question Which of the following describes how to trace an argument? 2.hypotheses "All mammals are warm blooded. 2.Individuals tend to reason better in familiar contexts. d. If then statement, Premise 1: If I'm going to be an engineer, I need to master calculus. Which of the following describes an inference? (1 point) "If Jamal studies for the exam, he'll do well. 1.dualism 1.a moral theory that claims that moral truth is relative to a cultural background Question, Quote. (Commits false dilemma), A deductive argument is valid if the form of the argument is such that b. I have bronchitis, If Kai prepares well for the test, he will get a good grade. It's not a duck, In a modus tollens argument, what is the diction of the second premise? determine whether or not a claim is valid and if it is supported by the evidence c. Universal negative A snake is a mammal. All people required to take the exam are Freshman, Which fallacy occurs when particular proposition is misinterpreted as a universal generalization? In his view (and the view of most ancient Greek philosophers), this involves thinking about character traits that are necessary for us to be our best. b. 1.A good generalization has all true premises. 2.an argument that we should not believe a claim because only a stupid person would accept it 2.The purpose of argumentation is to convince others of the truth of what you believe. 2. tolerance. PHI Unit I Assessment.docx - QUESTION 1 1. Which of the 2.attempting to provide rational support for a claim with a set of premises Which of the following is an instance of snob appeal? Wind, solar, and hydro are all clean alternatives. a. 1.since In the Food Industry Case, the executives fell for a number of cognitive bias traps in their decision making process. (1 point) a claim made based on evidence, * A. 2.wealth The term with in the proposition Which of the following is an argument? Question: Which of the following best describes when an argument is inductively forceful or strong? *The predicate (P) term in a categorical syllogism, "All authors are writers. Choose three pilgrims and describe how their outward appearances reflect their personalities. Which of the following best describes a fallacious argument? Yes, its valid and sound Effective communication can help with which of the following? bracket: 2.critical thinking skills d. Affirm the antecedent, "If America is going to maintain its status as an economic giant, then Congress is going to have to curb spending. d. Deny the antecedent, Premise 1: If I have bronchitis, then I have a cough. True (a} Recall Why was New Orleans Greasley (2000) pointed out that clients who seek out mediums are so inclined to find the sessions impressive that "few can blame them for leaving the consultation expressing unequivocal satisfaction" (p. 26). 3.being a clear and accurate communicator Which of The following best describes a historical argument? 20 points QUESTION 7 1.Order the following inductive arguments from strongest (best) to weakest (worse). Unsound. All of these methods for incorporating other viewpoints will help to establish your credibility with readers. *The minor premise <----------->, What are the 2 qualities of a proposition? 4.Ignore conflicting information, Which of the following best describes pseudoscience? Use, to form an opinion on it to support it with facts to break it down to restate it in a different way What is an opposing claim in an informational text? Is this a valid modus tollens argument? Which of the following is true of inductive arguments? Therefore, he didn't study." Quote of the day: Theres a whole world out there, right outside your window. A student asks a teacher to give him an A in a course because if he gets anything less, he will not get into medical school. Neanderthal - Wikipedia 2.Generalizations never provide evidence for their conclusions. All members of Phi Delta Phi are men Each alligator is a reptile Arguing that if something is accepted in one case, then it must be accepted in all cases. 1.Consult a religious text. True b. Not all times it rains are times it pours PREMISE: All fathers are men 3. Don't Cheat!!! The conclusion A generalization an argument that is counter to the claims an author makes a. the significance of the Louisiana 4.testable explanations. The pragmatic approach is motivated by the view that the nature of an argument cannot be completely captured in terms of its structure. 1.None of these answers is correct Affirming the consequent A good definition provides all of the essential characteristics of what is being defined. The student provides a page reference for this summary because the article is long. 4.Women never communicate in order to simply relate information. 1.sympathy (empathy) recognize an authors opinion or claim about the topic of their argument 1. WE GOT THIS , @ = = XxMeowxX is right 2.Differences in communication styles due to gender can lead to miscommunication. a. c.) The West Wing is my favorite show. C. Because of the negative long-term health effects of secondhand smoke on the human body, it is vital that the government What is an argument? All the premises are true 1.Science and religion cannot conflict since they both describe the same reality. A when the conclusion necessarily follows B when the conclusion is very likely to follow. The literature review is followed by a statement of the precise focus of the research, and this statement builds on the knowledge gap in the problem statement. Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis - BRAINLY 3.The Earth is the center of the universe. B, "If New York is having cold weather, you can bet New Jersey is too! 3.Neither the conclusion of an argument nor a premise in an argument is a proposition. 1.to use precise language Stating the issue to be addressed The student is summarizing information from page 176 of a 1980 book with two authors, Marks and Kammann. The main argument can be found near the end of the text. Minor "No dogs are purple" b. False, Which of the following best describes a moral argument? "mostly likely". 3- Is there enough evidence for the claim? What type of reasoning did Veronica use? "A fetus is a type of human person. 3. The article has numbered paragraphs but no page numbers. If she passes the course, she'll have completed her requirements for graduation. 1.an argument that claims Smith is the best candidate for office on the grounds that he has a ninety-two percent approval rating in the latest poll b. Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French-language play, En attendant Godot, and is subtitled (in English only) "a tragicomedy in . Xio and Chan are brothers." a. 4. 1.a passive spirit 3.A student asks a teacher to give him an A in a course because, if he gets anything less, he will not get into medical school. False, Carol Gilligan maintained that men and women differ in the ways in which they develop morally. Which of the following is a word or phrase that typically indicates an analogy? An argument that fails because it relies on words that are ambiguous 4: (Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests.) 1: follow connections between a claim that was made and the evidence used to support it This argument is an example of the fallacy of __________________ Critical rationalists maintain which of the following? Therefore, some S are not I." A hypothesis that is confirmed by observation . b. 3.an argument attempting to prove that you are morally superior to others 2.Passive-aggressive communicators avoid confrontation and instead let others control them. Jaroff (2001b) claimed that the medium used "a sophisticated form of the game Twenty Questions, during which the subject, anxious to hear from the dead, seldom realizes that he, not the medium or the departed, is supplying the answers" (p. 52). 4.None of these answers is true. a. 2.the ability to ignore the influence of emotions when reasoning 3.the ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotions 4.the ability to use the fear and self-interest of others to make them believe what you would like them to believe a. Slippery slope Unlock to view answer. 1) An emotional appeal based on ethics and credibility 2) A sentimental appeal based on emotions and interests 3) An anecdotal appeal based on evidence and ethics 4) A logical appeal based on facts and reason, Discuss the challenges that Suhrab has to overcome in order to gain his father's trust. 2.an argument that you should vote for Smith on the grounds that a movie star has endorsed him 3.a moral theory that claims that pleasure and pain are the subject of all moral thought 1.a moral theory that claims that different cultures have different moral beliefs Correct Using a stereotype can prevent us from seeing people as they really are. What typically happens when someone openly questions and challenges the entrenched traditional practices and beliefs of their society? a. Summaries; an outline of key information.a paraphrase of a longer piece of work. Choosing appropriate evidence to support your argument will depend mostly on your personal interests and preferences. Which of the following is true of generalizations? She used imagination and spatial-temporal reasoning. In the postconventional stage, men tend to adhere to strict rules of duty, while women focus more on maintaining relationships and balancing the needs of others with their own needs. 4.an argument that claims we should not believe something because a particular person that does believe it is stupid, an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true. c. hasty generalization "If you take that road, you'll end up lost. 2.Gdel's fallacy a. SM 4.A woman argues that you must be wrong because you are a jerk. c. A poll o blame for the death of his son? Which of the following is true of dreams? 4- *Reading for 20 minutes every day exposes students to nearly 1.8 million words each school year* and *Children who read 5 or less minutes a day are more likely to score lower on reading tests* Ethics is concerned with right and wrong. 1.Gender does not influence communication styles. 4.All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason. 2.Polls are rarely reliable. Which of the following is a fallacy of relevance? However, wind is unreliable and hydro is too expensive. 2.a dispute over a moral issue Statistical 2.guarantee the truth of a conclusion Tm kim cc cng vic lin quan n Which of the following best describes argument mapping hoc thu ngi trn th trng vic lm freelance ln nht th gii vi hn 22 triu cng vic. Retrieved 2008-01-29. 1.an argument that we should believe a claim because only a stupid person would deny it An inductive argument that offers support for its conclusion Chain argument a. d. None of these answer is correct, "All dogs are diseased. Fill in the blank using the appropriate form of the verb from the c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded 4.the fallacy of accent, Which of the following best describes an argument? 1.ad hominem argument "All men are moral. ", Premise 1: If A the B. a. Previously they hadn't won a World Series in over 100 years. d. An empty circle, c. Two overlapping circles with the area where they overlap shaded, Are universal propositions characterized in a Venn diagram with shading or with an X? False, Which of the following best describes cultural relativism? True Which of the following is used to interpret the communications of others? Therefore, if you went to the store last night, we don't have to stop at Dunkin' Donuts." a. Modus tollens b. 4.They cannot help us to rank our moral concerns. 4.The conclusion of a deductively valid argument necessarily follows from its premises. d. The 2nd premise, "If Delila gets an A on the test, she will pass the course. False, What resources did the participants in the Milgram and Stanford University prison experiments who resisted hurting their subjects have that the other participants probably did not? a. Which of the following is true of good definitions? 1.Assertive communicators attempt to get what they want by controlling others. Which of the following best describes the slippery slope fallacy? a. Argument by elimination Which of the following best describes an argument in logic? b. Modus tollens What's the difference between an argument and a parameter? It is based on evidence from different sources. Which of the following statements is true of ethics? Oblivious of the sudden drop in temperature, I left the house ______, (A) without taking a sweater The premises All these answers are correct, We should assume that there is a causal connection between two things if a correlation can be found between them. a. 3.cultural differences Movie versions of Frankenstein have since been made many times, but Karloff was the first person to bring the role of the monstor to the screan. Ants are swarming the sugar bowl. b. a. Therefore, we should pursue solar. 1.True I got 4/4 with these so you should too. ~ Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads a. Argument; attempts to persuade by providing a line of reasoning's and a conclusion. b. Its conclusion necessarily follows from the premises What type of argument is this? Particular, Determine if the following argument is valid. 1.an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him The first premise 2 The People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson was a criminal trial in Los Angeles County Superior Court starting in 1994, in which O. J. Simpson, a former National Football League (NFL) player, broadcaster and actor, was tried and acquitted for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman.The pair were stabbed to death outside Brown's . b. N True Which of the following sentences would be the best thesis statement for an essay? C the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words, i used this to makke sure my answers were right and it was rigth. 4.When science and religion conflict, we should side with religion. Biesta (2007) lays out a careful yet devastating argument against basing all educational policy on what we call "evidencebased research," meaning not only empirical research, but experimental-based research following the model of randomized controlled field trials of research-based medicine. Which of the following best describes the fallacy of composition? What generalization is suggested by the Milgram experiment and the Stanford University prison experiment? If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion might still be false. 4.All of these are ways of committing the fallacy of hasty generalization. 3.Aggressive communicators strive for outcomes acceptable to everyone involved. d. b. Nonmoral values, on the other hand, are goal oriented. Fill in the blank w/h the missing premise to make this a modus ponens syllogism I strive to set high standards for myself, my peers and the teams I lead, while at the same time . 3.an argument that we should believe that the Earth is flat on the grounds that the Earth certainly does not look round when you are standing on it a. The argument has a true conclusion because it has at least one true premise 1.All religious beliefs must be supported by evidence. Argument based on calculations a difference in opinion a personal interpretation of an issue bickering over an issue the use of reason and evidence to support a conclusion Which of the following best describes the slippery slope fallacy? The student is quoting from page 27 of an article by two authors, Wiseman and O'Keeffe, that was published in 2001. Answer: C . To date, restorers have completed about a score of houses and other buildings in Nauvoo. A c. Fallacious arguments are not defective. The above statement demonstrates the most apt argument proposed by Gante . Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device? a. denying the antecedent "I only beef and salmon in the freezer. d. Some humans are not carnivores, What would a Venn diagram look like for the following claim? 1.a set of considerations in favor of a conclusion c. Universal or particular d. true, The conclusion of a valid argument can be false only if __________________ 3.toughness of character Solved Which of the following best describes when an | Chegg.com Hypothetical syllogism True 1.nonverbal cues such as body language McGraw-Hill Ch. 6 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet