Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botnico [Slides] [Video], Yaping Yang (University of Melbourne) I strongly disagree with you about the issue of the intellectual honesty of my account of what Witten and Arkani-Hamed had to say. 8. Abstract: We explore little string theories in six dimensions, constructed via F-theory that are dual to heterotic stringswith NS5 branes probing ADE type singularities. In our examples we find agreement with the flux modularity conjecture of Kachru, Nally, and Yang. The proof in these cases uses the notion of 1-form symmetries (= co-dimension 2 topological defects) to express PGL(N)-skein modules as certain twisted SL(N)-skein-modules, and then to further relate these to well-known formulas for the cohomology of twisted character varietiesof surfaces. Title: Counting BPS states with discrete charges in M-theory These symmetries vastly generalize the standard notion of global symmetries, and can be used in a similar way to obtain insights into strongly-coupled physical phenomena. Abstract: I will explain some recent and ongoing work on the state spaces associated to 3-manifolds in the Kapustin-Witten twists of 4d N=4 SYM. Rio de Janeiro, June 18th, 2021. for Fundamental Research), [T] Sebastian Mizera (Institute for Advanced Study), [T] Sameer Murthy (Kings College London), [S] Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech and Kavli IPMU), [D] Joo Penedones (cole Polytech. Math 302 (Vector Analysis and Integration on Manifolds) Spring 2021. Everything is in the description. Abstract: Three-manifold invariants $\hat Z$ (Z-hat), also known as homological blocks, are $q$-series with integer coefficients. I will illustrate this construction on examples of low rank 4d N=2 SCFTs. [Slides] [Video], Dan Freed (University of Texas at Austin) David Morrison (University of California) What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Title: Geometry of Higher-Form Group Structures in String Theory Title: Emergence of Time from Unitary Equivalence Enjoy. Math 250 (Vector Analysis) . As an example, we compute the trace evaluated on the unit constant chiral chain and obtain the formal Witten genus in the Lie algebra cohomology. Besides reviews of major developments in the field and specialized talks on specific topics, an important novelty will be several informal discussions involving two researchers and the conference participants. with the exact opposite agenda. Non-QG QFT derivations that are not attempting to identify the microstates. In this talk, I will review the probabilistic construction and its equivalence with the bootstrap construction used in the physics literature. Title: Smoothing, scattering and a conjecture of Fukaya [online talk] I will also explain how the Hecke operators from geometric and analytic Langlands correspondence are realized in the four dimensional super-Yang-Mills theory. Leonardo Rastelli Abstract: The main goal of this talk is to present a novel conjectural incarnation of Langlands duality in the purely topological setting of character varieties of 3-manifolds and their quantizations via skein theory. (not not) operator in JavaScript? We therefore relate differential and enumerative geometry, topology and geometric representation theory in mathematics, via a maximally-supersymmetric topological quantum field theory with electric-magnetic duality in physics. It fully encodes the geometry, and a simple algorithm allows access to the structure of nested singularities, which corresponds physically to a generalized Higgs mechanism. Abstract: Gross and Siebert developed a program for understanding mirror symmetry algebro-geometrically. Adrian, Add a comment | 21 . Suomynona, Zhengping Gui (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) Reimundo Heluani Organizing Committee. Since it's online only, talks are much more accessible than usual (and since it's free, over 2000 people have registered to in principle participate via Zoom). How do I check if an array includes a value in JavaScript? You can sanitize the string with a regex first to be safe: If you wanted another method, you'd have to use a pure Javascript implementation of the exact thing eval is going to do. Of course, I do not justify equally wrong comments from certain string theorists Abstract:We discuss abelian 3d N=2 theories T[,U(1)] engineered by plumbing manifolds . Ironically, the very fact that he had to refer to it at all should alarm them. @David Roberts: There are many references that discuss this from different perspectives. How useful this will be will depend on the symmetries you have available. On the other hand, differential cohomology theories, whose relationships with physics are classical, are most modernly understood in terms of sheaves on manifolds with values in (\infty, 1)-categories. Thanks for allowing my last comment. Math Talks and Number Strings provide the foundation to help students improve their understanding and comprehension of numbers. You are either blinded or so convinced by the idea that string theory has nothing to say about Physics, that you pick any phrase that adds to your view of things. String Math 2021 - Denis Auroux (Harvard University) 2,124 views Jun 14, 2021 32 Dislike Share Save Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada 99.2K subscribers . Thank you. Abstract: The sphere packing problem is a very natural geometric question and it has a long and exciting history. Abstract: This talk summarizes recent developments aimed towards F-theory constructions of MSSMs, i.e. How is Jesus " " (Luke 1:32 NAS28) different from a prophet (, Luke 1:76 NAS28)? Adrian Langer At the hand of several examples I will illustrate that this phenomenon is generic and that most Calabi-Yau threefolds admit such degenerations and a corresponding refinement of the invariants. [Slides]. To address the problem of quantization of a space with gauge fields, first the structure that in the smooth (i.e. I will discussa phenomenon similar to Frobenius of modular representation theory. 2021-22. String theory is now older than not just my students, but also many of their parents and unfortunately its very well-established, sometimes even taught to high school students. This is a joint work with K. Ohmori (U. Tokyo). Strings 2022 Summary Talk. UBC, Vancouver, Canada. While Ooguri has his own interpretation about this observation (incoming flux of young people in the field is as healthy as ever), I wonder what others think about it. String theory calculations that can be done in unphysical situations (wrong dimension, lots of SUSY, extremal black holes) claim to reproduce the semiclassical limit. As an application, I will use conformal bootstrap techniques to obtain new rigorous bounds on the first positive Laplacian eigenvalue of hyperbolic orbifolds. Only if the string comes from a trusted source. Any other way wouldn't be as efficient. The Ryu-Takayanagi formula then encodes the fractal dimension of the boundary, while the extremal surfaces encode an important part of the geometry of the buildings, showing a new interplay between ideas from holography and geometric group theory. Following Nimas final recommendation, an experimentalist and a string theorist hang out together. Workshop on Categorification and geometric representation theory. Progress in D=4, N=2 Field Theory, Strings-Math 2012, Bonn, July 2012 Powerpoint presentation here . [Slides], Mateo Galdeano (University of Oxford) Penroses talk is interesting (, as is the discussion between him and string folks afterwards. Liouville theory appeared there under the form of a 2D Feynman path integral and since then has appeared in a wide variety of contexts (random conformal geometry, SUSY Yang-Mills, etc). Title: Topological Langlands duality and 1-form symmetries Dear Peter, Title: Quivers for 3-manifolds Why are trials on "Law & Order" in the New York Supreme Court? In physical terms, we will discuss a relation between the BPS spectrum of an N=2 4-dimensional field theory and the enumerative geometry of the corresponding Seiberg-Witten integrable system. Over-claim? We also explain how these invariants and homologies will be categorified in the process, and discuss their higher categorification. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Knots and Natural Language. Algorithm methods are divided for each level of operations order as follows: parseFactor = 1. operator sign | variable evaluation | function call | parenthesis (sub-expressions); 2. exponentiation; parseTerms = 3. multiplication, division; parseExpression = 4. addition, subtraction. We propose that the matching of 5d coulomb branches plus the 2-group structure constants determined by the higher form symmetry of LSTs as criteria to predict heterotic T-dual candidates.The exploitation are generalized by picking non-trivial flat connections at the infinity to break E8 and Spin(32)/Z2 into their subgroups and confirm these T-dualities by the matching of criteria aforementioned. He mentions that one basic problem with this is that there is no understanding of what happens in time-dependent backgrounds, so, in particular, this is useless for addressing the big bang, which is the one place people now point to as a possible connection to real world data. I am currently reading Weinbergs book to fill some holes in my knowledge. Exactly because of this. [Slides]. Not the answer you're looking for? An exchange that was otherwise quite lively and interesting, you paint in the worst possible way. The point though is that there are plenty of much simpler examples, which often can be understood purely in terms of representation theory. Title: The higher dimensional tropical vertex, Already at p.1 one reads, The Problem: According to textbooks, the passage from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics is made by replacing Poisson brackets with commutators. We provide significant evidence that averaging plays an important role in reproducingsemiclassical gravity in AdS/BCFT. In this talk, I will give a slightly abstract explanation of this phenomenon, at least for the case of a black hole. Recently, a rigorous probabilistic construction of the path integral was provided using the Gaussian Free Field. We engineer these models using toric geometry techniques to construct non-compact threefolds that manifestly have multiple fibrations and hence M/F-theory lifts. Title: Elliptic trace map on chiral algebras rotations and translations are typically discretized due to the presence of a lattice)? Organizing Committee:Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA)Reimundo Heluani (IMPA)Marcos Jardim (IMECC-UNICAMP)Gonalo Oliveira (UFF) Scientific Committee:Anton Alexeev (Universit de Genve)David Ben-Zvi (University of Texas)Alexander Braverman (Brown University)Ron Donagi (University of Pennsylvania)Giovanni Felder (ETH Zrich)Dan Freed (University of Texas)Edward Frenkel (University of California)Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto)Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford)Sheldon Katz (University of Illinois)Maxim Kontsevich (IHS)David Morrison (University of California)Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University)Vasily Pestun (IHS)Boris Pioline (Sorbonne Universit \u0026 CNRS)Nicolai Reshetikhin (University of California)Pedro Vieira (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)Katrin Wendland (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt Freiburg)Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study)Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University \u0026 The Chinese University of Hong Kong)Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala University)Steering Committee: Ron Donagi (University of Pennsylvania)Dan Freed (University of Texas at Austin)Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford)Sheldon Katz (University of Illinois)Maxim Kontsevich (IHS)David Morrison (University of California)Hiroshi Ooguri (Caltech \u0026 IPMU)Boris Pioline (Universit Pierre et Marie Curie)Joerg Teschner (DESY)Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study)Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)Redes Sociais do IMPA: - Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada | Os direitos sobre todo o material deste canal pertencem ao Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada, sendo vedada a utilizao total ou parcial do contedo sem autorizao prvia e por escrito do referido titular, salvo nas hipteses previstas na legislao vigente.The rights over all the material in this channel belong to the Instituto de Matemtica Pura e Aplicada, and it is forbidden to use all or part of it without prior written authorization from the above mentioned holder, except in the cases prescribed in the current legislation. In this talk I will present how these two threads of research can be combined and what comes as a reward. You wrote (iii) Most superstring calculations are performed under euclidean worldsheet for many practical reasons, as we all know and love from Wicks rotation in standard q.f.t.s. It is expected that the right mathematical structure to capture physical properties of such symmetries is that of higher-categories. These have been going on for over 25 years, with nothing new in a very long time. In my case, I will give a run, certainly much more healthy, no? [Slides] [Video], Vincent Vargas (University of Geneva) Abstract: One aspect of the relation between physics and arithmetic geometry is the conjectured correspondence between supersymmetric flux vacua and weight-2 modular CY threefolds. In particular, he discovered a hidden structure governed by Bernoulli numbers. Abstract: Superconformal field theories with 8 supercharges in spacetime dimensions 3 to 6 have a large moduli space of vacua. Title: Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov revisited: (non)supersymmetric gauge theories, defects, and localization String Data 2020, CERN, December 2020. The hyperKahler branches can be characterized by a combinatorial object known as a magnetic quiver. The plumbing graphs with matter can be viewed as certain kinds of quiver diagrams for 3d N=2 theories. APCS. Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University), The interpretation of semiclassical gravity as an average of CFTs has provided much progress in understanding the factorization problem and the information paradox. This gives the symmetry algebra action on the categorifiedDT. Cookies and PrivacyAboutEventsNews Divergence of perturbation theory in quantum electrodynamics. [Slides]. [Slides] [Video], Dalimil Mazac (IAS),, I spent a couple of hours to implement all the arithmetical rules without using eval() and finally I published a package on npm string-math. [Slides] [Video], Sam Raskin (University of Texas at Austin) Mina Aganagic Mathematically, they can be identified with the K-theoretic versions of the Donaldson invariants on X. This uses a combinatorial algorithm computing certain types of GromovWitten invariants encoded in a scattering diagram. Math 435 (Differential Geometry) Fall 2020. My talk will be based on recent joint work with Baej Ruba. Ill explain this phenomenon, and propose a new effective algorithm for the calculation of the spectrum which is not based on quantum algebra at all (joint work in progress with A. Soibelman). The talk is based on work in collaboration with Davide Gaiotto. where the dualisable dimensions are fibred over a `spectator base). The general picture is nicely illustrated by the Borel Abstract: Three-dimensional N =4 supersymmetric field theories admit a natural class of chiral half-BPS boundary conditions that preserve N = (0, 4) supersymmetry. I think I was doing him a favor by not quoting that kind of thing, which he really should be embarrassed about. Abstract: We implement the unitary equivalence of modular Hamiltonian $hat{H}_{mathrm{mod}}$ and Hamiltonian $hat{H}$,$hat{H}simhat{U}^{dagger}hat{H}_{mathrm{mod}}hat{U}$, to realize the emergence of time from an unitary operator $hat{U}$. Abstract: The D3-D5 and D2-D4 probe-brane systems with nonzero worldvolume flux are holographically dual to N=4 super Yang-Mills and ABJM theory in the presence of half-BPS domain walls. But this is just an opinion. a proponent of string theory but also a well-known populariser of science, . Zygmunt Lalak String Math 2021 IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, June 14 - 18 Program Break. One can define correlation functions and derive conformal bootstrap equations constraining the spectrum. These boring predictions, if confirmed by DUNE, will show that also in experimental physics no real stuff is happening. Oh, God, how hard Ive slaved away, Here is an implementation of the Shunting-yard algorithm with additional support for unary prefix (e.g. Little string theories also possess T-duality as well as higher form- and group symmetries. From this description, we propose a symmetry for the space of instantons on C^2 by an exceptional super Lie algebra called E(3|6). By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. - rgbk21. But keep in mind that using the Function constructor in this way is similar to eval() in that the risks may be comparable. Piotr Sukowski (chair) StringBufferStringBuilder 1. But the time, the community (and the arXiv) takes care of these mistakes. commutative) spacetime case is well-known to yield the Yang-Mills(-Higgs) theory, namely almost-commutative manifolds, has to be replaced by its fuzzy counterpart already the classical level. Hiraku Nakajima There will also be a public lecture and outreach activity Ask a String Theorist during the weekend. [Slides], Peter Spacek (TU Chemnitz) These higher-categories are constructed by equivariantizing higher-categories corresponding to invertible higher-form symmetries. The unitary equivalence relation implies a duality between the modular flow and time evolution. This approach is based on 2105.06039 and is joint work with Aganagic and Rapcak. Abstract: In this talk I will introduce a refined notion of Gopakumar-Vafa invariants on singular Calabi-Yau threefolds that generate a discrete gauge symmetry in M-theory. Miranda Cheng They have obvious applications to atomic physics. However, this is an unrealistically simple description of the situation, even for a basic example such as the classical phase space.. Clay Mathematics Institute, ContactEnhancement and Partnership ProgramMillennium Prize ProblemsPublicationsHome. Update: At String 2021, yesterday Nima Arkani-Hamed gave a talk on Connecting String Theory to the Real World We See Outside Our Windows, where he sometimes sounds like me, contrasting the pre-LHC claims of string theorists: 1. Dr. Kessner. I agree with Felix. Solutions to this system describe compactifications of heterotic string theory with N=1 supersymmetry on a 7-dimensional manifold. This is based on arXiv:2202.01788, with Matilde Marcolli and Sarthak Parikh. How do I connect these two faces together? Abstract: I will discuss the theory of Dirac operators perturbed by the Coulomb potential in an arbitrary dimension. According to this philosophy, connection to particle physics appear[s] hopeless/parochial/unimportant. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. [Slides] [Video], Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS, Bangalore) Abstract: The interpretation of semiclassical gravity as an average of CFTs has provided much progress in understanding the factorization problem and the information paradox. But regarding superstrings, from such a strong statement one would expect at least proof (not rigorously by mathematical standards of course!) Determinant operators in the chiral algebra insert Giant Graviton branes in the dual geometry. Title: Langlands duality for 3-manifolds NN-QFT Correspondence. They are exactly solvable in terms of Whittaker functions. Sheldon Katz (University of Illinois) Jackiw-Teitelboim/PeterH, Elliott Gesteau (California Institute of Technology) In other words, a ternary string is a n-permutation with a repetion of the set {0,1,2}. Simon Donaldson It's december of 2021, and the java world has been rattled by a log4j vulnerability. [Video], Hulya Arguz (IST Austria) Za te oraz inne osignicia otrzymaa wiele prestiowych nagrd i wyrnie, Katrin Wendland, Ron Donagi (University of Pennsylvania) The two-step procedure involves first finding points on the Calabi-Yau manifold and then approximating the Ricci-flat metric by approximating solutions to the underlying Monge-Ampere equation. Theres a lot of repetition of tired old arguments from decades ago, zero acknowledgement that things have not worked out as hoped. The key steps in this equivalence is a probabilistic derivation of the DOZZ formula for the structure constants, the spectral analysis of the Hamiltonian of the theory and the proof that the probabilistic construction satisfies certain natural geometrical gluing rules called Segals axioms. I believe that your permanent opposing the string hypes is good and welcomed. Abstract: I will present some conjectures for higher-rank K-theoretic Donaldson-Thomas theory on toric three-folds, and some lessons that we learned from working equivariantly on non-compact spaces. Title: Non-rational $widehat{su}(2)$ cosets and Liouville field theory [Slides]. Is String Theory a Theory of Nature? In the discussion section, Vafa challenges him on this, saying he sees no indication that quantum information theory gives any insight into dualities he sees as the central aspect of the non-perturbative theory. Abstract: The spectrum of BPS states in D=4 supersymmetric field theories and string vacua famously jumps across codimension-one walls in vector multiplet moduli space. Juan Maldacena Title: Holomorphic Floer theory and Donaldson-Thomas invariants Using Hands-On Tools to Monitor Progress and Assess Students in Math. I dont think I was misrepresenting those at all. Does a barbarian benefit from the fast movement ability while wearing medium armor? [Slides], Alex S. Arvanitakis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Sen is saying hell give up on string theory if people prove that string theory is inconsistent, but Minwalla and Witten are saying there is no definition of the term string theory. ), one would at least expect that a well-behaved asymptotically perturbation series follows as one takes into account contributions from all the moduli parameters of Teichmller spaces of Riemann surfaces with higher genus and market points. In this talk, I will explain how to prove their conjecture for a big class of link complements by making use of the R-matrix for Verma modules. But, as has also been the case for many years, the conference features many talks that have nothing to do with string theory and may be quite interesting. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? Strings 2021 will be held online during the two-week period June 21 July 2, 2021 from 9:30 15:00 in So Paulo (8:30 14:00 in NY, 14:30 20:00 in Paris). The series of String-Math conferences has developed into a central event on the interface between mathematics and physics related to string theory, quantum field theory and neighboring subjects. Im posting this since I thought it could be useful for those very busy hep-ph physicists who may wish to go directly to (what I & surely many others) considers as the key moment from perspective lectures. Physically, flow treesprovide a mesoscopic representation of BPS states as nested multi-centered bound states of elementary constituents. The LQG derivation, involving an ad-hoc choice for the Immirzi parameter As you probably guess from my former comments under the present pseudonym, Im one of those students whom, maybe for lacking courage or ,who knows? Abstract: Since 2017, knots and symmetric quivers are known to be intimately related via BPS spectra. Jerome Gauntlett, Rajesh Gopakumar, Mariana Grana, Michael Green, David Gross, Daniel Grumiller, Jeff Harvey, Marc Henneaux, Veronika Hubeny, Marina Huerta, Janet Hung, Antal Jevicki, Clifford Johnson, Shamit Kachru, Zohar Komargodski, Finn Larsen, Yolanda Lozano, Kimyeong Lee, Dieter Luest, Juan Maldacena, Shiraz Minwalla, Jeff Murugan, Rob Myers, Hirosi Ooguri, Leo Pando-Zayas, Silvia Penati, Fernando Quevedo, Eliezer Rabinovici, John Schwarz, Nathan Seiberg, Ashoke Sen, Steve Shenker, Eva Silverstein, Wei Song, Andy Strominger, Tadashi Takayanagi, Sandeep Trivedi, Cumrun Vafa, Pedro Vieira, Anastasia Volovich, Spenta Wadia, Edward Witten, Konstantin Zarembo. With what result? Title: Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonians[online talk] Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? The way I see the string people (not necessarily those who appear in the media, but those who publish in the arXiv) is as a small set of honest and hard working physicists, technically sophisticated, researching mostly on QFT and Gravity, with various approaches. Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford) Unfortunately, finding explicit solutions to the system is a challenging problem due to the existence of an anomaly cancellation condition for the gauge fields. If people think carrying on this argument is a good use of their time, they are encouraged to do so elsewhere. Title: The Penrose Inequality as Swampland Condition? I will first sketch a broad approach to systematically understand the underpinnings of this still mysterious connection between gauge theories (in the large N limit) and perturbative closed string theory. Title: The character of M-theory Not all N = (0, 4) boundary conditions admit such deformations. The String Math series of conferences have become an important eventfor anyone working at the interface between mathematics and theoretical physics (string theory, quantum field theory and adjacent topics), bringing together an interdisciplinary cohort of pure mathematicians and theoretical physicists. The following articles by Carlip provide a nice overall perspective, drawing attention to the universality of BH entropy derived in different approaches to QG what he refers to as an embarrassment of riches. This public lecture is also a lecture in the Zapytaj fizyka series here is the lecture website. So, does anyone know about alternatives to eval()? . We will focus on understanding 3d mirror symmetry viachiralalgebras. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Enjoy, This solution also clips whitespaces and checks for duplicating operators, e.g. ' [Slides] [Video], Davide Gaiotto (Perimeter Institute) I will then summarise recent work (with Matthias Gaberdiel and others) on the AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence, in the tensionless limit, which gives a proof of concept of the above ideas. Infinite Analysis 13 Autumn School on Quantum Dilogarithm, Modular Double, and Representation Theory. [Slides] [Video], Edward Witten (IAS) Abstract: In 2002, Fukaya proposed a remarkable explanation of mirror symmetry detailing the SYZ conjecture by introducing two correspondences: one between the theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves on a Calabi-Yau manifold X and the multi-valued Morse theory on the base B of an SYZ fibration p : X B, and the other between deformation theory of the mirror X and the same multi-valued Morse theory on B. Abstract: I will explain how to construct BPS algebras for string theory on general toric Calabi-Yau threefolds, based on the crystal melting description of the BPS sectors. This construction has several advantages and opens perspectives towards generalization to the case of the $cW$-algebras 4. Other than that, I'd use eval in this case. This is a joint work with Kwokwai Chan and Ziming Ma. That would be something like (a real implementation will be somewhat more complex, especially if you consider the use of parenthesis, but you get the idea). Abstract: Recently, higher categorical understandings of quantum field theories have been rapidly developing. I will also touch upon the issue of the Lorentzian vs Euclidean metric slice in the path integral contour of quantum gravity.