A New Tool for Measuring a Child's Psychological Flexibility, 24-item self-report measure that is completed by the child, Can be done independently or with adult support, Visual Scale is included to support child responding, Any child participating in the AIM curriculum should be able to complete this measure, 24-itemmeasure that is completed by an adult familiar with the child. (2006). Aging Ment Health. (1948). https://doi.org/10.1037/a0034437. In: Stolerman I., Price L. (eds) Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Both present the ACT problems and processes using simplified terminology. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. A model of socioemotional flexibility at three time scales. Edited by Dorwin Cartwright. Gloster AT, Block VJ, Klotsche J, et al. National Library of Medicine Please take a few moments to think of an important goal that you are working on. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.86.2.320. Demetriou, C., Ozer, B. U., & Essau, C. A. 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However, similar constructs have existed since the mid-20th century, resulting in different terms, definitions and measures of flexibility, hindering the advancement of the field. 2023 Psychology Tools. Finally, we wish to underline the relevance of a convergence of measures by reflecting on the limits of current tools and proposing mixed ecological protocols between objective and subjective measures in a perspective of mutual enrichment, both theoretical and clinical. which are the general mental functions that help us to cordinate The Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ): Development, Reliability and Validity. The paradox of cognitive flexibility in autism. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. (2016). and transmitted securely. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 20, 172-183. Multi-language comparison across 16 languages: coordinated by G. Presti and G. 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Predicting anxiety: The role of experiential avoidance and anxiety sensitivity. A Practical Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, 329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newideapsych.2011.11.001. https://doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2015.1062115. Shawnee Scientific Press, 2018. ACT teaches mindfulness skills to help individuals contact the present moment, Attachment to the conceptualized self describes how we can see ourself as our thoughts. psychological flexibility, and cognitive flexibility on psychological symptomatology. A three level meta-analysis. The Parent Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PPFQ) is currently the only instrument developed for this purpose, and two. Reliability was demonstrated by a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.918. A lack of psychological, This paper focuses on pinpointing the existence of a relationship between the variables family resilience, cognitive flexibility and parents transformative learning experiences. Table 2 from The Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ Lezak, M. D., Howieson, D. B., Loring, D. W., & Fischer, J. S. (2004). Abstract The Parental Acceptance Questionnaire assesses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy outcomes. Clarifying and then behaving in ways that are consistent with our values is a fundamental feature of ACT, Inaction, impulsivity, or avoidance persistence (rigidity) describe how problems can stem from doing too little overall, ornot do enough of what matters to us. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 125. Shic, F. (2016). Heaton, R., Chelune, G., Talley, J., Kay, G., & Curtiss, G. (1981). Psychological support for those affected by the war in Ukraine, Center for developmental and personality psychology, Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science, Psy-Flex (ENG) Paraskeva-Siamata, M., Spyridou, G., Gloster, A., & Karekla, M., (2018). Psychological Bulletin, 126(2), 247259. Psyflex: Validation of a new psychological flexibility measure in a Greek-Cypriot sample. Clinical Psychology Review, 30(7), 865878. Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study. The article presents the development of the Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ) on the basis of two studies. Malo, R., Acier, D. & Bulteau, S. Psychological Flexibility: Toward a Better Understanding of a Key Concept. Behavior Therapy, 45(6), 831839. (2007). Beyond objectivity and subjectivity: The intersubjective foundations of psychological science. One such subscale was the Flexibility (Fx) subscale, which comprised of 28-items that were designed to assess the ability to be adaptable in thinking, behaviour, and tempera- Kashdan TB, Disabato DJ, Goodman FR, Doorley JD, McKnight PE. WebmedCentral PSYCHOLOGY, 5(4):WMC004606. After you choose the goal, please write it in the following blankPPFI. Parents who reported lower confidence in their child's ability to cope with the pain engaged in significantly more protective, monitoring and distracting behaviours, even when controlling for the child's recent level of functioning. A systematic review of the relationship between rigidity/flexibility and transdiagnostic cognitive and behavioral processes that maintain psychopathology. ISO 690. For feedback on the translations, please contact the translators directly. Deveney, C. M., & Deldin, P. J. Before Whiting, D. L., Deane, F. P., Simpson, G. K., McLeod, H. J., & Ciarrochi, J. The Psy-Flex is furthermore ideal for repeated measurements (e.g., assessment at each session; event sampling, etc.) Martin, M. M. & Rubin, R.B. My Flexibility Scores | Steven C. Hayes, PhD Rolffs, J. L., Rogge, R. D., & Wilson, K. G. (2018). The future is an uncertain situation, Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, When talking about human well-being, Unconditional Self-acceptance represents one of the cores. Monests, J. L., Villatte, M., Mouras, H., Loas, G., & Bond, F. W. (2009). Definitional similarities among prominent flexibility constructs emerged, namely handling distress or interference, taking action, and meeting goals or values. Reliability and validity of two self-report measure of cognitive flexibility. Health Psychology, 32(7), 820823. Where appropriate, case examples and annotations are also included. Our view is that dynamic constructs require dynamic approaches. The overarching aim of ACT is to improve psychological flexibility, which is the act of being open in an intentional manner to direct experiences as they occur and to engage in behaviors consistent with valued life directions (Hayes et al. Table 1 from The Psychological Flexibility Questionnaire (PFQ Listed below are all validation studies of which we are aware. Traduction et validation franaise du questionnaire dacceptation et daction (AAQ-II). https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.20400. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(1), 109113. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0956-7976.2004.00705.x. Psychopathology and the human connectome: Toward a transdiagnostic model of risk for mental illness. There are cognitive tasks and self-report questionnaires for this, Gloster, A. T., Meyer, A. H., & Lieb, R. (2017). Provide a total score as well as individual subscales for each component of the ACT hexaflex, Use in intervention planning to determine which ACT areas to target, Use as a measure of progress and growth over time. (1961). PLoS ONE, 10(3), e0120883. Individual differences in reappraisal effectiveness: The role of affective flexibility. Cherry, K. M., Vander Hoeven, E., Patterson, T. S., & Lumley, M. N. (2021). Dunod. Lourenco, F., & Casey, B. J. Many studies conclude that psychological flexibility is an important determinant of mental health. Psy-Flex | Faculty of Psychology - unibas.ch PDF Changes in Mindfulness Facets and Psychological Flexibility Associated Epub 2015 Jul 9. Article Flexibly and/or inflexibly embracing life: Identifying fundamental approaches to life with latent profile analyses on the dimensions of the Hexaflex model.